Source code for pymarc.marcxml

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"""From XML to MARC21 and back again."""

import unicodedata
from xml.sax import make_parser
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler, feature_namespaces
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from pymarc import Field, MARC8ToUnicode, Record

XSI_NS = ""

[docs] class XmlHandler(ContentHandler): """XML Handler. You can subclass XmlHandler and add your own process_record method that'll be passed a pymarc.Record as it becomes available. This could be useful if you want to stream the records elsewhere (like to a rdbms) without having to store them all in memory. """ def __init__(self, strict=False, normalize_form=None): """Initialize XmlHandler. * `strict` will ignore elements not matching MARC_XML_NS. * see unicodedata.normalize for valid `normalize_form` values """ self.records = [] self._record = None self._field = None self._subfield_code = None self._text = [] self._strict = strict self.normalize_form = normalize_form
[docs] def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs): """Start element NS.""" if self._strict and name[0] != MARC_XML_NS: return element = name[1] self._text = [] if element == "record": self._record = Record() elif element == "controlfield": tag = attrs.getValue((None, "tag")) self._field = Field(tag) elif element == "datafield": tag = attrs.getValue((None, "tag")) ind1 = attrs.get((None, "ind1"), " ") ind2 = attrs.get((None, "ind2"), " ") self._field = Field(tag, [ind1, ind2]) elif element == "subfield": self._subfield_code = attrs[(None, "code")]
[docs] def endElementNS(self, name, qname): """End element NS.""" if self._strict and name[0] != MARC_XML_NS: return element = name[1] if self.normalize_form is not None: text = unicodedata.normalize(self.normalize_form, "".join(self._text)) else: text = "".join(self._text) if element == "record": self.process_record(self._record) self._record = None elif element == "leader": self._record.leader = text elif element == "controlfield": = text self._record.add_field(self._field) self._field = None elif element == "datafield": self._record.add_field(self._field) self._field = None elif element == "subfield": self._field.add_subfield(self._subfield_code, text) self._subfield_code = None self._text = []
[docs] def characters(self, chars): """Append `chars` to `_text`.""" self._text.append(chars)
[docs] def process_record(self, record): """Append `record` to `records`.""" self.records.append(record)
[docs] def parse_xml(xml_file, handler): """Parse a file with a given subclass of xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.""" parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 1) parser.parse(xml_file)
[docs] def map_xml(function, *files): """Map a function onto the file. So that for each record that is parsed the function will get called with the extracted record .. code-block:: python def do_it(r): print(r) map_xml(do_it, 'marc.xml') """ handler = XmlHandler() handler.process_record = function for xml_file in files: parse_xml(xml_file, handler)
[docs] def parse_xml_to_array(xml_file, strict=False, normalize_form=None): """Parse an XML file and return the records as an array. Instead of passing in a file path you can also pass in an open file handle, or a file like object like StringIO. If you would like the parser to explicitly check the namespaces for the MARCSlim namespace use the strict=True option. Valid values for normalize_form are 'NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', and 'NFKD'. See unicodedata.normalize for more info on these. """ handler = XmlHandler(strict, normalize_form) parse_xml(xml_file, handler) return handler.records
[docs] def record_to_xml(record, quiet=False, namespace=False): """From MARC to XML.""" node = record_to_xml_node(record, quiet, namespace) return ET.tostring(node)
[docs] def record_to_xml_node(record, quiet=False, namespace=False): """Converts a record object to a chunk of XML. If you would like to include the marcxml namespace in the root tag set namespace to True. """ # helper for converting non-unicode data to unicode # TODO: maybe should set g0 and g1 appropriately using 066 $a and $b? marc8 = MARC8ToUnicode(quiet=quiet) def translate(data): if type(data) is str: return data else: return marc8.translate(data) root = ET.Element("record") if namespace: root.set("xmlns", MARC_XML_NS) root.set("xmlns:xsi", XSI_NS) root.set("xsi:schemaLocation", MARC_XML_SCHEMA) leader = ET.SubElement(root, "leader") leader.text = str(record.leader) for field in record: if field.is_control_field(): control_field = ET.SubElement(root, "controlfield") control_field.set("tag", field.tag) control_field.text = translate( else: data_field = ET.SubElement(root, "datafield") data_field.set("ind1", field.indicators[0]) data_field.set("ind2", field.indicators[1]) data_field.set("tag", field.tag) for subfield in field: data_subfield = ET.SubElement(data_field, "subfield") data_subfield.set("code", subfield.code) data_subfield.text = translate(subfield.value) return root