Source code for pymarc.writer

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"""Pymarc Writer."""
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import IO

import pymarc
from pymarc import Record, WriteNeedsRecord

[docs] class Writer(object): """Base Writer object.""" def __init__(self, file_handle: IO) -> None: """Init.""" self.file_handle = file_handle
[docs] def write(self, record: Record) -> None: """Write.""" if not isinstance(record, Record): raise WriteNeedsRecord
[docs] def close(self, close_fh: bool = True) -> None: """Closes the writer. If close_fh is False close will also close the underlying file handle that was passed in to the constructor. The default is True. """ if close_fh: self.file_handle.close() self.file_handle = None # type: ignore
[docs] class JSONWriter(Writer): """A class for writing records as an array of MARC-in-JSON objects. IMPORTANT: You must the close a JSONWriter, otherwise you will not get valid JSON. Simple usage:: .. code-block:: python from pymarc import JSONWriter # writing to a file writer = JSONWriter(open('file.json','wt')) writer.write(record) writer.close() # Important! # writing to a string string = StringIO() writer = JSONWriter(string) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) # Important! print(string) """ def __init__(self, file_handle: IO) -> None: """You need to pass in a text file like object.""" super(JSONWriter, self).__init__(file_handle) self.write_count = 0 self.file_handle.write("[")
[docs] def write(self, record: Record) -> None: """Writes a record.""" Writer.write(self, record) if self.write_count > 0: self.file_handle.write(",") json.dump(record.as_dict(), self.file_handle, separators=(",", ":")) self.write_count += 1
[docs] def close(self, close_fh: bool = True) -> None: """Closes the writer. If close_fh is False close will also close the underlying file handle that was passed in to the constructor. The default is True. """ self.file_handle.write("]") Writer.close(self, close_fh)
[docs] class MARCWriter(Writer): """A class for writing MARC21 records in transmission format. Simple usage:: .. code-block:: python from pymarc import MARCWriter # writing to a file writer = MARCWriter(open('file.dat','wb')) writer.write(record) writer.close() # writing to a string (Python 2 only) string = StringIO() writer = MARCWriter(string) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) print(string) # writing to memory (Python 3 only) memory = BytesIO() writer = MARCWriter(memory) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) """ def __init__(self, file_handle: IO) -> None: """You need to pass in a byte file like object.""" super(MARCWriter, self).__init__(file_handle)
[docs] def write(self, record: Record) -> None: """Writes a record.""" Writer.write(self, record) self.file_handle.write(record.as_marc())
[docs] class TextWriter(Writer): """A class for writing records in prettified text MARCMaker format. A blank line separates each record. Simple usage: .. code-block:: python from pymarc import TextWriter # writing to a file writer = TextWriter(open('file.txt','wt')) writer.write(record) writer.close() # writing to a string string = StringIO() writer = TextWriter(string) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) print(string) """ def __init__(self, file_handle: IO) -> None: """You need to pass in a text file like object.""" super(TextWriter, self).__init__(file_handle) self.write_count = 0
[docs] def write(self, record: Record) -> None: """Writes a record.""" Writer.write(self, record) if self.write_count > 0: self.file_handle.write("\n") self.file_handle.write(str(record)) self.write_count += 1
[docs] class XMLWriter(Writer): """A class for writing records as a MARCXML collection. IMPORTANT: You must then close an XMLWriter, otherwise you will not get a valid XML document. Simple usage: .. code-block:: python from pymarc import XMLWriter # writing to a file writer = XMLWriter(open('file.xml','wb')) writer.write(record) writer.close() # Important! # writing to a string (Python 2 only) string = StringIO() writer = XMLWriter(string) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) # Important! print(string) # writing to memory (Python 3 only) memory = BytesIO() writer = XMLWriter(memory) writer.write(record) writer.close(close_fh=False) # Important! """ def __init__(self, file_handle: IO) -> None: """You need to pass in a binary file like object.""" super(XMLWriter, self).__init__(file_handle) self.file_handle.write(b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') self.file_handle.write(b'<collection xmlns="">')
[docs] def write(self, record: Record) -> None: """Writes a record.""" Writer.write(self, record) node = pymarc.record_to_xml_node(record) self.file_handle.write(ET.tostring(node, encoding="utf-8"))
[docs] def close(self, close_fh: bool = True) -> None: """Closes the writer. If close_fh is False close will also close the underlying file handle that was passed in to the constructor. The default is True. """ self.file_handle.write(b"</collection>") Writer.close(self, close_fh)